Passed the 70-533 exam on 1/June/2018 with 8xx! Thanks PassLeader, I got almost all questions from PassLeader 70-533 dumps!!! The following are the details of my test FYI: I had 42 questions in total, including 11 YES/NO questions, I got many questions on Powershell Command and JSON, 1 drag and drop question on Powershell and few MCQs on Kubernetes Ouput, also, some new questions related to Data Lake and Security Token Keys, almost all new questions have been added into the latest PassLeader 70-533 braindumps now, valid enough for passing. P.S. The 70-533 exam have changed since 29/Mar/2018, many new exam objectives appeared, I suggest you do not waste time on MeasureUp or other study materials, many new exam objectives are NOT available in them. Highly Recommend PassLeader, Good Luck, All!!!